Name | Extracted | Size | Date | Description |
22DSK140.ZIP | Yes | 190946 | 10/27/1993 | 22Disk 1.40 is a media conversion utility for converting data from CP/M disk formats to DOS or vice versa. The 22DISK disk conversion package offers user-defined CP/M formats in addition to the standard support for single-, double-, and quad-density formats. It also features custom keyboard mapping. This software will not convert CP/M-80 disks used on Apple II's with CP/M cards. (Charles P. Guzis) (Reg.Fee: $28) |
2M21.ZIP | Yes | 95038 | 6/24/1994 | 2M 2.1 formats all types of floppies to sizes beyond their rated capacity. (Ciriaco Garcia de Celis) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
3FLOP.ZIP | Yes | 5296 | 5/29/1989 | 3Flop tells how to run three floppy drives with a standard two-floppy controller. However, while three drives can be made available in the same machine, only two are usable in the same session. (Bob Sully) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
4SPD100.ZIP | Yes | 63827 | 9/15/1993 | 4-Speed 1.0 graphically displays your drive's data transfer rate. (Dustbowl Designs, Inc.) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
ADCACHE.ZIP | Yes | 10766 | 2/24/1990 | ADCache 1.2 is a TSR, hard-disk cache that uses EMS memory for caching and less than 5k of DOS RAM for the software. It should work on any PC compatible, including PS/2, and will support one or two hard disk drives that use the BIOS INT 13h interface. (David H. Rifkind) (Reg.Fee: $15) |
ADI10.ZIP | Yes | 25430 | 9/15/1993 | All Drive Info 1.0 identifies all drives on a system and displays relevant information about each drive. (George Spafford) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
ADJRAM.ZIP | Yes | 37809 | 3/8/1994 | AdjRAM lets you set up and change the size of a RAM disk without rebooting and without losing data on the RAM disk when the size is changed. It also may work with expanded memory, though it has not been thoroughly tested. The 'C' source code is also included on the disk. RAM.SYS/SETRAM is perhaps Josh Cockey of Dahlgren, VA rebuts: "I agree that RAM.SYS/SETRAM is perhaps easier and simpler to use, but it is limited to only 32 directory entries while ADJRAM allows 128 entries and also can be used in expanded RAM. (Gary Cramblitt) (Reg.Fee: $?) |
AMOS120.ZIP | Yes | 88360 | 4/11/1994 | AMOS 1.20 enables you to read and write your HPFS-formatted hard disk drives from native DOS. It operates as a standard OS/2-like shell which will accept DOS and OS/2 commands. (Allan Mertner) (Reg.Fee: $31) |
ANAD207.ZIP | Yes | 122112 | 10/27/1993 | Anadisk 2.07 is a general purpose utility package to analyze, inspect, edit, repair and copy floppy diskettes. It makes extensive use of the PC's hardware facilities. It contains support for, but is not limited to, DOS compatible diskettes. Almost any diskette that can successfully be read by the hardware contained in your machine can be processed by Anadisk. The CompatiCard is also supported. (Charles P. Guzis) (Reg.Fee: $28) |
AUTOTES.ZIP | Yes | 8759 | 1/1/1987 | Autotest shows floppy and hard disk access times for sequential and random seeks. It will not damage any files on the disk. Works on RAM disks too. (Reg.Fee: $?) |
BA2110.ZIP | Yes | 542105 | 6/20/1994 | Back Again/2 2.10 is a 32-bit backup utility for OS/2 2.1 which supports HPFS, long filenames, and extended attributes as well as processing files which are currently in use. All OS/2 logical devices are supported for backup, including Novell Netware, LAN Server, and NFS network drives. This version can only back up 2MB at a time. (Computer Data Strategies) (Reg.Fee: $38) |
BAKINI.ZIP | Yes | 2691 | 4/29/1994 | BACKINI.CMD 1.0 is a small REXX program that makes backups of all the INI files found in the specified directory. (John H. Lederer) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
BOOT_B.ZIP | Yes | 5373 | 12/27/1990 | Boot_B 1.0 creates a new boot sector for a disk in drive A: which when booted will pass the boot process over to the B: drive. This allows you to run programs (mostly games) that must be booted from the distribution floppy when your drive A: is not the same type as the floppy and drive B: is. (The author can no longer be reached at the address provided in the documentation.) (Solutions by the Numbers) (Reg.Fee: $10) |
BOOTDUM.ZIP | Yes | 2052 | 5/29/1989 | Bootdump displays technical information about a disk's boot record. (Reg.Fee: $?) |
BOOTLK.ZIP | Yes | 10113 | 2/11/1990 | Bootlook reads track 0, sector 1 of a selected drive and displays all the technical information about the type of disk. Works on floppies, hard disks, and other media (eg: Bernoulli's). (William C. Scott) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
BOOTREX.ZIP | Yes | 2879 | 2/11/1990 | Bootrex 1.2 will read the boot sectors of a disk (hard or floppy) and display the parameters that are kept in the boot record table. (Jack A. Orman) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
CACHE2.ZIP | Yes | 3146 | 5/29/1989 | Cache2 speeds up disk accessing. (Reg.Fee: $?) |
CACHSTA.ZIP | Yes | 15679 | 5/29/1989 | Cachstat gets disk cache statistics for IBMCACHE program. This program works ONLY with IBM's IBMCACHE program which comes with the PS/2 Models on the Reference diskette. (Jack Wright) (Reg.Fee: $?) |
CACHTST.ZIP | Yes | 60973 | 6/18/1993 | Cache Test 5.0a tests the effectiveness of your disk caching software. It checks sequential write and read, random write and read, random update, and DOS directory services times. (George Spafford) (Reg.Fee: $10) |
CDISK2.ZIP | Yes | 4915 | 6/22/1989 | CDisk is a resident utility that gives you information about your disk drives. (Keith P. Graham) (Reg.Fee: $5) |
CHKFREE.ZIP | Yes | 10063 | 4/14/1994 | CHKFree 1.01 will check all drives, including network drives, for a specified amount of disk space. (N.A.M. Enterprises) (Reg.Fee: $5) |
CLEAN2.ZIP | Yes | 2605 | 6/22/1989 | Clean2 is a drive head cleaner that works on single or double sided or quad density drives. (Marty Smith) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
CMB113.ZIP | Yes | 48424 | 2/3/1994 | Combi-Disk 1.13 lets you set up a RAM disk and disk cache in the same area of extended memory. C source code included. Requires an extended memory manager. (Vadim V. Vlasov) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
CMDISK.ZIP | Yes | 16678 | 5/4/1994 | CMFloppy 1.0 is a utility for copying, formatting, and sector-by-sector viewing of diskettes. It allows you to store the image of a diskette on your hard drive as a file for later use in making diskette copies. (Charles F. Martin) (Reg.Fee: $10) |
CRAM.ZIP | Yes | 5135 | 5/29/1989 | Cram is a Compressed RAM disk. It takes an existing diskette and compresses it down into a dos file and then this compressed disk can be loaded into memory as a ram disk. Many times a ram disk is used to hold utilities and applications, but is never written to. CRAM is a read only-ram disk. (Keith P. Graham) (Reg.Fee: $?) |
CRC.ZIP | Yes | 22843 | 6/22/1989 | CRC 1.0 provides a method for comparing two files from different computers to determine if they are identical. (William D. Hause) (Reg.Fee: $15) |
CRITTER.ZIP | Yes | 12474 | 7/31/1991 | Critter 1.2 is a TSR that replaces DOS's "abort, retry, ignore" message with a pop-up window that restores the screen when finished processing the error. It also features the ability to log errors encountered to a printer. (Dana W. Cline) (Reg.Fee: $20) |
CUVL.ZIP | Yes | 20603 | 6/24/1989 | Colorado Utilities Volume Labeler 1.0 automates diskette volume labeling. You give a starting number and feed in disks. The program will increment the number and record it on the next disk as the volume label. Pascal source is included. (Fred C Hill) (ASP) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
DCOPY20.ZIP | Yes | 47786 | 5/2/1994 | PM Dcopy 2.0 is a diskette copy utility for OS/2 program manager. It allows diskettes to be copied directly to each other, or to an image file for copying to diskette at a later time. (J.R. Shannon) (Reg.Fee: $10) |
DF.ZIP | Yes | 63950 | 5/11/1994 | DF 3.60 creates an image of a floppy on your hard disk for production diskette copying. (Mark Vitt) (Reg.Fee: $20) |
DF_JN.ZIP | Yes | 3274 | 6/6/1994 | Disk Free will display free memory and available disk space for any drive. (John Norton) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
DFACC.ZIP | Yes | 1775 | 5/29/1989 | Dfacc is a small resident utility that can accelerate file access in many programs. DFACC predicts when your program will want to read from a file and reads the data into a buffer before it is asked for. This is the opposite of a cache type program. A cache keeps data AFTER it has been used; DFACC gets data BEFORE it is needed. (Reg.Fee: $?) |
DFIX.ZIP | Yes | 6482 | 8/10/1994 | Dfix 1.1 will search for and lock out bad disk sectors. (Back up data before trying.) (Howard Rumsey) (Reg.Fee: $?) |
DFREE11.ZIP | Yes | 27789 | 7/9/1993 | Disk-Free 1.10 displays hard drive information including volume label, capacity, how much space is used, free to use, and the percentage of free space. (Greg King) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
DISCEX.ZIP | Yes | 22949 | 12/28/1989 | PC Disk Excerciser 1.03 is used to burn in a disk drive or test for intermittent errors or to force a dying disk to fail. (Steven D. Stern) (Reg.Fee: $?) |
DISKCOPY.ZIP | Yes | 8574 | 6/21/1993 | DiskCopy 1.0 allows you to copy diskettes without disk-swapping and without formatting the destination disk. (Feico P J Nater) (ASP) (Reg.Fee: $5) |
DISKFLG.ZIP | Yes | 38068 | 10/26/1989 | DiskFlag 3.1 keeps track of used vs available disk space, and notifies user when space used is more than a user-preset percentage. It supports up to ten drives - hard disk or floppies. It could be placed in your AUTOEXEC.BAT file to check the drives on start-up, or run at any time. It is NOT a TSR. For a TSR that continuously monitors your disk usage, see PAlert on the Patriquin Utilities disks. (Stephen C. Lenz) (Reg.Fee: $20-$30) |
DISKLITE.ZIP | Yes | 1302 | 5/29/1989 | Disklite puts a graphics block in the corner of the screen when your disk drives (even hard disks and RAM disks) are active. (Reg.Fee: $?) |
DISKPIX.ZIP | Yes | 57102 | 7/16/1990 | Diskpix 1.9 graphically displays the archival status of your hard disk or floppies, including any partitions. The pie charts show the percentage free, archived, and still needing to be backed up. (Charles J. Okstein) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
DISKTRAK.ZIP | Yes | 12234 | 6/22/1989 | DiskTrak helps keep track of disks. It creates a database with a list of disks, files names, free space, comments and more. It extracts files stored inside a ZIP, PAK, ARC, and LZH archive file. It labels disks, delete and/or restore any set of files in its database, and produce five types of hard and/or soft copy reports of its database contents. (Birk Binnard) (Reg.Fee: $15) |
DISKUSE.ZIP | Yes | 173414 | 1/18/1994 | DiskUse 4.01 shows disk utilization in bytes and percent of total of all files and subdirectories at any user-specified directory level. (R. A. Pabst) (Reg.Fee: $15) |
DKI190.ZIP | Yes | 60348 | 1/14/1994 | Best Disk Analyser 1.9 will display a colorful graph detailing the usage of all active drives. It can identify the operating systems, Windows, disk compression utilities, networks, disk type - floppy, hard disk, CD-ROM, etc. The program also contains a search and delete utility. (Philippe Duby) (Reg.Fee: $10) |
DKP410DA.ZIP | Yes | 177835 | 5/11/1994 | EZ-DisKlone Plus 4.10da is an enhanced version of DOS's Diskcopy. Features include single pass duplication of any DOS diskette, compressed file images, compare, clean, fastformat, bios calls, and menu or command line operation. (Ed Marion) (Reg.Fee: $59) |
DMAN120.ZIP | Yes | 81413 | 12/31/1993 | Driv_Man 1.20 displays usage data for up to 26 drives, including logical and network drives. It will display information such as, drive capacity, used and free memory, a graph of usage for each drive, volume label, etc. The display data may also be recorded to a file. (MicroMetric) (Reg.Fee: $25) |
DMD.ZIP | Yes | 12133 | 6/22/1989 | Disk Meter Deluxe 2.0 displays free space remaining on disk both graphically and numerically for one or more drives. The graphic display shows space used in yellow for over 50% and in red for over 90%. The author suggests that consultants put DMD in client's AUTOEXEC.BAT file with instructions to call when red blocks start showing up. It will also work on monochrome systems and includes a similar memory checker. (P.C. Consulting) (Reg.Fee: $5) |
DPRESET.ZIP | Yes | 3636 | 7/23/1991 | Dpreset overrides a feature of DOS 3-5 that normally causes freed-up disk space not to be used until remaining contiguous free space has been used up, which is supposed to reduce file fragmentation, but may have the opposite effect sometimes. (Jim Kyle) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
DRESET.ZIP | Yes | 3366 | 11/22/1993 | DReset forces DOS to reread a floppy drive instead of using the directory listing which it has in memory for the drive. This fixes problems when DOS does not recognize that a floppy has been changed and continues to show the prior disk's directory. (Trillium Resources) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
DRIV15.ZIP | Yes | 18096 | 3/7/1994 | Drives 1.5 will display the volume label, total space, used and free space in kilobytes or megabytes for a specified range of logical drives. (Mike Marshall) (ASP) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
DRIVE.ZIP | Yes | 9441 | 10/28/1993 | Drive 1.03 allows you to turn on or off your drives (A through E) and indicates what mode you're in. A drive that is turned off cannot be accessed unless your turn it back on or reboot. (Mark Vitt) (Reg.Fee: $0 (01-94) |
DRIVE4.ZIP | Yes | 5690 | 6/14/1987 | Drive4 tells you how to install four internal floppy drives. (Jim Gainsley) (Reg.Fee: $?) |
DRIVLED.ZIP | Yes | 1434 | 4/15/1993 | DriveLED is a 1k TSR that displays a disk activity indicator in the corner of screen. It works for hard and floppy disks. (Tom Markowski) (Reg.Fee: $5) |
DRVPAD.ZIP | Yes | 3176 | 4/4/1993 | DrivePad is a dummy device driver which uses up a drive letter. If your system may or may not be hooked up to a network drive, CD-ROM, removeable drive, etc, you know how annoying it is when the letters assigned to those and other drives change depending on what you are using at the time. With this device, you can keep them constant. (Greg Shenaut) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
DRVSPC.ZIP | Yes | 9822 | 4/25/1994 | DrvSpc 2.0 is a disk drive space and resource reporting utility. (Wayne E. Birch) (Reg.Fee: $6) |
DRVSWP.ZIP | Yes | 2572 | 9/15/1993 | DRVSWP 1.0 is a device driver which allows you to reassign the drive letter sequence from your CONFIG.SYS file. (Reg.Fee: $0) |
DSIZ_CJ.ZIP | Yes | 10531 | 3/16/1992 | Disk Size is a 9K TSR that displays your free hard disk space in a small window in the upper right corner of your monitor. (Clive Jones) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
DSKPCT.ZIP | Yes | 76747 | 5/17/1994 | DiskPct 1.1 monitors disk utilization on your OS/2 system. It will display utilization as a pie chart, along with disk label and percentage of use. (Jan Hansen) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
DSKWATCH.ZIP | Yes | 1603 | 6/22/1989 | Dskwatch reports disk errors that DOS may retry and overcome. This lets you know that you have a potential problem before it gets critical. (Reg.Fee: $0) |
DWATCH12.ZIP | Yes | 43193 | 3/25/1994 | Disk Watch 1.2 sounds an alarm if the amount of available disk space is reduced below a specified minimum. (Logan Industries, Inc.) (Reg.Fee: $27) |
EMC110.ZIP | Yes | 8413 | 9/27/1987 | EMC110 is a disk caching program that uses expanded memory to cache hard disks (not floppies). Features include the ability to resize, disable and uninstall the cache, and caching on both read and write. (Frank Lozier) (Reg.Fee: $?) |
EMMCACH.ZIP | Yes | 8756 | 5/29/1989 | Emmcache is a disk cacheing program for Expanded Memory. (Reg.Fee: $?) |
ERRWAS.ZIP | Yes | 17289 | 11/7/1989 | ErrWas 1.0 is a small TSR that remembers the last ten disk errors and tells you what the error was caused by, in case your software only flashes it for a moment, or doesn't display errors when it needs to. (Dr. Masaaki Sawada) (Reg.Fee: $10) |
EXHUME.ZIP | Yes | 10974 | 1/25/1992 | Exhume 3.0 will rescue data which has been lost on a disk after the directory or FATS have been corrupted. (Norman Newman) (Reg.Fee: $20) |
EZCP330B.ZIP | Yes | 237355 | 3/22/1994 | EZ-DiskCopy PRO 3.30b is a disk duplication utility that includes serialization, bypassing of BIOS for speed, compression of file images, and more. (Ed Marion) (Reg.Fee: $136-141) |
FAT.ZIP | Yes | 11514 | 5/29/1989 | Fat includes three programs useful for recovering lost files, such as ones that are mistakenly deleted, or a patching up an incorrect FAT. (Steve Turley) (Reg.Fee: $?) |
FAT2.ZIP | Yes | 14661 | 1/25/1990 | Fat2 1.09 displays the chain of clusters that belong to a disk file, to determine which file owns a specified cluster or sector, and to display general information about a disk. It will also display general information about a disk. This also has support for large partitions under DOS 4+. (Christopher J. Dunford) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
FATFIX.ZIP | Yes | 8250 | 2/24/1989 | FatFix is a FAT repair utility, for those who are SURE their first File Allocation Table is messed up. It will read the second FAT and let you copy entries back to the first FAT. Do not use this unless you know what you are doing and your hard disk is already trashed anyway. (Michael A. Hotz) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
FDCLEAN.ZIP | Yes | 132141 | 4/6/1994 | Floppy Drive Clean 1.0 is designed for use with diskette drive cleaning programs. It will keep a maintenance log of each cleaning, along with dates and any additional comments. (Kevin H. Murphy) (Reg.Fee: $9) |
FLASH1.ZIP | Yes | 6453 | 12/8/1993 | Flash Facts Add Subtract is a flash card style game which is designed to test your child's knowledge of addition and subtraction. Parents can adjust the skill level of the game. The child's grade will be displayed at the end of the game. A sound card is required for voice and sound effects. (David Teach) (Reg.Fee: $10) |
FLASHLD.ZIP | Yes | 6705 | 12/9/1991 | FlashLED 1.01 is a TSR that indicates disk drive activity by flashing the keyboard LEDs and, optionally, the system speaker. This is useful on systems in which the system case is on the floor or otherwise out of sight. (Seagate Technology, Inc.) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
FLOPTOOL.ZIP | Yes | 14078 | 6/21/1993 | FlopTool 1.0 reads anything there is on a floppy disk, whether it is a DOS disk or not. The results are written as a ASCII-file on your hard disk. (Feico P J Nater) (ASP) (Reg.Fee: $15) |
FLUSH.ZIP | Yes | 2399 | 5/25/1994 | Flush 1.0 allows you to override the delayed write feature found in many disk caches, and write the cache contents instantly to disk. It supports SmartDrive, NCACHE, SpeedDrive, Superpck, PCache, and Qcache. (Richard A. Bross) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
FM57.ZIP | Yes | 96900 | 6/7/1994 | FormatMaster 5.7 is a full-featured floppy diskette format utility. Disk verification and the ability to format a 360k floppy to 800k in a 1.2meg drive or to 400k on a 360k drive are included. It also has the the capability of running FMTMAS.EXE from a drive. A DOS block device control format options is available. Other features include a runtime check for SYS.COM and COMMAND.COM location; automatic verification and FAT update following a rapid format of a disk that contained marked bad sectors; and much more. (John J. Newlin) (Reg.Fee: $30) |
FMAT65.ZIP | Yes | 22277 | 4/25/1994 | FMat 6.5 is a does-it-all diskette formatter. It allows maxi-formats that, for example, format a 1.2MB diskette as a 720K and much more. Requires DOS 4.0+. (Chris Buijs) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
FMT.ZIP | Yes | 5591 | 4/13/1994 | FMT formats any disk in any drive in which it fits. A couple of keystrokes will format any disk with a normal format or a with a quicker format. Requires DOS 5+. (Fred Howard) (Reg.Fee: $5) |
FREE3.ZIP | Yes | 22960 | 4/25/1994 | Free III 2.0e+ will display disk space usage of all hard drives and network drives in your system. (Greg Merideth) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
GCDROM.ZIP | Yes | 13109 | 12/22/1991 | GCDROM 1.0 is a generic CDROM driver that supports SCSI controllers. (James C. Davis) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
HD_INFO.ZIP | Yes | 227118 | 12/16/1990 | Info-Base2 is a database of technical specs for 865 different types of hard disks. (James Rohrer) (Reg.Fee: $25) |
HITS62.ZIP | Yes | 33780 | 1/18/1994 | Hits62 1.0 measures the success rate of the SmartDrive disk caching software from the command line. Requires DOS 6.2 and SmartDrive 5.0. (Bob Moroz) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
HP15S201.ZIP | Yes | 16723 | 10/28/1993 | HP150Sys 2.0 is a set of two DOS device drivers for Hewlett-Packard's HP-150 and HP-150 series II DOS diskettes. (Charles P. Guzis) (Reg.Fee: $20) |
HRAMDISK.ZIP | Yes | 5889 | 2/28/1994 | Hramdisk lets you use the memory area between 640k and 704k for a RAM disk. (Reg.Fee: $?) |
INVIS.ZIP | Yes | 11376 | 6/22/1989 | Invis-I-Disk fixes your floppies so that they will be invisible to the system on bootup without your having to open the drive latch. (Note: Some systems let you set an option in system set-up of BIOS to boot from C: before A:, so try that first.) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
IOMON.ZIP | Yes | 1857 | 6/22/1989 | Iomon displays an indicator of disk activity in the top-right corner of your screen. During a Read, Write, Format or Verify, a R,W,F or V, respectively, is displayed. An asterisk indicates other activity. RAM disk activity is not shown, just floppy and hard disk activity. (Samuel H. Smith) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
JPRDY.ZIP | Yes | 54367 | 9/3/1993 | Jeopardy Detector 1.0 monitors disk caches for periods when the disk structure is in jeopardy. Many disk caches produce periods when directories point to files which have not yet been allocated in the File Allocation Table on the disk. If a crash occurs during these jeopardy periods, cross-linked files can result. (Reg.Fee: $?) |
LIST1_20.ZIP | Yes | 50310 | 5/4/1994 | LIST2 1.20 is a text file viewer for OS/2. Features include case-sensitive and insensitive regular expression and plain text searches, horizontal scrolling, ability to load OS/2, MAC and Unix text files, and more. (John Allen) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
MACETTE3.ZIP | Yes | 44189 | 4/25/1994 | Mac-ette 3.01u will read, write, format and duplicate Macintosh HFS format 1.4 Meg diskettes on a PC equipped with a 3.5 inch high density diskette drive. (Paul E. Thomson) (Reg.Fee: $34) |
MAP_CS.ZIP | Yes | 11732 | 8/10/1989 | Map 1.0 displays a graphic and numeric chart showing usage of all of your logical drives from C: up. (Common Systems) (Reg.Fee: $5) |
MOREDIR.ZIP | Yes | 2283 | 6/22/1989 | MoreDIR will change the maximum number of directory entries on a 5-1/4 inch floppy. The maximum can be increased up to 255 or decreased to as low as 16. When a small number of directory entries are reserved the diskette can hold several K more of data. MoreDIR did not work on 3.5" and 1.2MB 5.25" drives when tested by PsL. (Keith P. Graham) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
NDI.ZIP | Yes | 11068 | 3/13/1994 | Network Disk Info monitors and displays graphically disk space usage on network drives. It is intended to be left running, and it updates the display every 10 seconds; however, it can also be used on a one-shot basis on non-network drives. (Mark Vitt) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
NJRAM.ZIP | Yes | 26211 | 5/29/1989 | NJRam is a RAM disk for EMS memory. When the RAM disk is accessed, the speaker clicks softly to let you know that some activity is taking place. The clicking can be disabled, but seems like a very good idea. (Mike Blaszczak) (Reg.Fee: $?) |
OS9FMT.ZIP | Yes | 35691 | 3/9/1994 | Universal Format 1.02 will format OS9 floppy disks on an MSDOS system. The common OS9 format uses double density disks with 79 to 80 tracks and 16 sectors per track. The sector size is 256 bytes. C source code is included. (Wilfried Weigelt) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
PALERT.ZIP | Yes | 17052 | 6/22/1989 | Palert monitors a specified disk drive while you use other programs and warns you when the amount of free space falls below a specifed percentage or number of kbytes. Optionally, you can use Palert in a batch file that calls your program and have the batch file not start the program if the disk doesn't have sufficient free space. (Norm Patriquin) (ASP) (Reg.Fee: $?) |
PMDIFF27.ZIP | Yes | 88380 | 5/24/1994 | PMdiff 2.7 compares files side by side, highlights the differences, and shows how the files are related. (Daniel J Neades) (Reg.Fee: $40) |
QCACHE.ZIP | Yes | 506204 | 3/8/1994 | QuickCache II is a disk caching program. It provides both read-ahead and write-buffering facilities that significantly reduces the number of physical accesses that must be made to the drive. Typical speed increase vary from 4x on a 55ms hard disk to 14x on a floppy. The 10k of memory for the system does not include cache memory, but extended or expanded memory may be used for that. You can also Lock Down disk directory sectors, which insures that they will always be available in cache. This can increase your disk throughput significantly for some applications. (P. R. Glassel & Assoc.) (Reg.Fee: $25) |
QCOPY40.ZIP | Yes | 81890 | 12/12/1992 | QCopy - UF 4.0 is a disk copying and format utility which will allow you to copy and format any size disk. Fragmented files on the source disk will be written in one block on the target disk. (Ulrich Feldmueller) (Reg.Fee: $22) |
QUIKFLP.ZIP | Yes | 6234 | 2/11/1990 | QuickFlop 2.01 speeds up the heads on your floppy drive and turns the drive off immediately so you can change floppies without waiting for the drive to slowly quit turning. It is not a TSR and the effect can be reversed at will. We tested it on a picky 486 and it worked fine, so it should work on almost anything. Assembler source code is included. (Dave Williams) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
RAM.ZIP | Yes | 2719 | 5/29/1989 | Ram.SYS is a RAM-disk-emulator that allows you to adjust the size of the RAM-disk without rebooting the system. (Reg.Fee: $?) |
ROCKDI.ZIP | Yes | 24876 | 1/21/1991 | Rock Disk Info 1.13 displays a chart of information about one or all disk drives. Info includes their type, volume labels, sizes, space used/available, sector size, cluster size, number of FATs, sectors, clusters, and system identifications. (Rock Systems) (Reg.Fee: $21) |
RWALL.ZIP | Yes | 14460 | 2/11/1990 | RWAll will allow you to read and write Amiga and Atari ST floppies with your PC. (ZIS Software) (Reg.Fee: $15) |
SBCD2.ZIP | Yes | 13597 | 5/5/1994 | SBCD2 is an OS/2 device driver for the following CD-ROM drives: Creative Labs OmniCD, IBM ISA CD-ROM Drive, and Panasonic CR-521,522,523,562,563. (Reg.Fee: $0) |
SCAV23.ZIP | Yes | 1697 | 6/21/1986 | Scav23 reads all blocks on the disk, and marks unused bad ones in the FAT so that DOS will not use them later. It will not touch files with bad blocks. Copy the file which contains a bad block to another disk, delete it, then run SCAVENGE again to map out the bad block. (Back up before trying.) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
SCROS2.ZIP | Yes | 139073 | 5/5/1994 | SGPRODD.SYS contains the Beta version of an OS/2 driver that allows Pro 16 Sound Card to run under IBM OS/2 V2.1 environment. (Reg.Fee: $0) |
SCSI.ZIP | Yes | 2119 | 12/10/1993 | SCSI 1.0 explains how to convert a Mac-formatted SCSI drive to a DOS-formatted SCSI drive. (Richard Goldman) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
SETVDISK.SYS | No | 1408 | 3/27/1986 | Setvdisk lets you set the size RAM disk you during bootup. Put SETVDISK.SYS plus VDISK.SYS from DOS 3.1 in your root directory. In your CONFIG.SYS file, insert the line: DEVICE=SETVDISK.SYS. When booting, you will get a prompt asking how much ram to allocate to the ramdisk. (Reg.Fee: $?) |
SIO130.ZIP | Yes | 151954 | 5/18/1994 | SIO.SYS and VSIO.SYS 1.30 are OS/2 device drivers. SIO.SYS provides an interface between application programs and the serial communications hardware. VSIO.SYS is a Virtual Device Driver that provides services for DOS programs executing under OS/2. (Raymond L. Gwinn) (Reg.Fee: $28,48) |
SIZE.ZIP | Yes | 6153 | 3/30/1994 | Size 1.0 will display the size of the subdirectory this file is executed from. It will also show files larger than a specified size, deepest directory in the tree, largest subdirectory and the size of all subdirectory trees one below the current subdirectory. (Steve Jackson) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
STAT.ZIP | Yes | 433 | 8/10/1994 | Stat displays disk cluster size and other disk info. (Reg.Fee: $0) |
SWVDISK.ZIP | Yes | 4282 | 5/13/1994 | SwVdisk 1.0 is a modified version of the OS/2 2.1 VDISK.SYS; it uses swappable memory. (A:WARE Inc.) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
SYSTAT.ZIP | Yes | 2270 | 6/22/1989 | Systat when executed from DOS will display on your screen the capactity of each drive and the free space on each. Also if you have placed on each disk an ASCII file with the extension of .NAM, it will display the Name you have given the disk and a comment about the disk. (Jeff Garber) (Reg.Fee: $?) |
TESTDRV.ZIP | Yes | 35256 | 12/7/1990 | Test Drive 1.4 tests floppy disk drive speed and performs a read-write test. The documentation is an extensive course in the working of diskettes and disk drives. (Microsystems Development) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
TRAKPIC.ZIP | Yes | 18175 | 2/18/1993 | TrackPic patches a floppy to replace the "non-system disk" message (that you get when booting up with a non-system disk) with an attractive graphic display. TrackPic stores the graphic in an otherwise unused area of the disk. For example, on a 40-track, 360k disk, TrackPic formats a 41st track and stores the graphic there. This does not affect normal use of the disk in any way. (Thomas Opheys) (Reg.Fee: $10) |
VASN128.ZIP | Yes | 47024 | 11/8/1993 | Volume and Serial Number 1.28 allows changing the serial number and volume name on disks. (Samual Kaplin) (Reg.Fee: $6) |
VEXD.ZIP | Yes | 28351 | 6/1/1994 | VitCom Intl Extended Diskette Format 1.0 is a set of two diskette formatting utilities. E144 formats 1.44M diskettes with an additional 52.5K of storage space, effectively turning it into a 1.51MB disk. E720 will increase 720K diskettes to 750K in the same manner. (Mark Vitt) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
VGACOPYG.ZIP | Yes | 374977 | 3/17/1994 | VGA-Copy-Pro - German 6.0 is a German language version of a fast one-pass disk copy and format program. It will format up to 2.88MB disks including special formats like 1.74MB. Requires EGA/VGA and mouse. Sound effects can be heard with the use of a Soundblaster compatible sound card. (Thomas Moenkemeier) (Reg.Fee: $40) |
WDDUPE.ZIP | Yes | 54326 | 2/25/1994 | Willow Creek Diskette Duplicator 1.0 duplicates and checks floppy diskettes. It supports 360K, 720K, 1.2M, and 1.44M diskettes. It can save diskette images on your hard disk for convenience, and it checks diskettes two ways - BIOS level track by track verify, and DOS level file scan to insure all files are present, readable, and correct. (Timothy J Yaukey) (ASP) (Reg.Fee: $29) |
WFDS.ZIP | Yes | 90024 | 11/16/1993 | Free Disk Space 3.21 monitors and displays in numeric or graphical form the amount of free disk space on all (or specified) hard drives. (Mark Hamilton) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
WFF17H.ZIP | Yes | 75166 | 4/11/1994 | What Floppy Format? 1.7h is a menu shell for Christophe Hochstatter's FDFormat.(which is on PsL disk #2459 and on the PsL Utilities CD.). (Angel Babudro) (Reg.Fee: $0) |